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Changes to the VAT assessment of small businesses for year 2025

The Finnish VAT relief for small businesses will no longer be granted from the beginning of next year. Companies whose turnover for 2024 does not exceed €30,000 can still request the relief for 2024.

Changes to VAT rates starting January 1, 2025

Goods and services currently subject to reduced VAT of 10% will in future be subject to reduced VAT of 14%.

Tax figures and other changes coming into effect from the beginning of 2025

The Tax Administration has issued its official decision for 2025 on the values of fringe benefits. The decision lists the usual fringe benefits such as company cars, accommodation, employer-provided meals, telephones.

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Tiliaktiiva – palvelut tausta



As our customer, you benefit from well-managed and efficiently managed accounting, which provides you with valuable information to support your decision-making. Outsourced and professionally implemented accurate financial management leaves you more time to focus on your core business.

Tiliaktiiva – palvelut tausta



Payroll is a part of financial management that requires specialization and special up-to-dateness, and the accuracy of payroll has a direct impact on the satisfaction of your company's personnel. We offer you comprehensive and reliable payroll services flexibly and efficiently.

Tiliaktiiva – palvelut tausta



A key part of our staff's professional skills is their extensive and up-to-date understanding and expertise in taxation and various types of taxes. Accurate and efficient management of taxation benefits you by saving unnecessary tax costs and improving your profitability. We focus on the correctness of taxation in our everyday work by carefully preparing accounting and ensuring the correctness of financial statements.

Tiliaktiiva – palvelut tausta

Corporate law matters

Corporate law matters

Tiliaktiiva has been operating for over 50 years and has accumulated extensive expertise and a wide network of specialists during that time.

We offer comprehensive assistance in corporate law situations at different stages of your company's development.


Your expert

in financial management

Tiliaktiiva Oy – Helsinki
Sanna Tomminen
Sanna Tomminen


+358 9 8770 7338

Jouko Karttunen
Jouko Karttunen

Senior partner, audit advisor

+358 9 8770 7330

Ronja Isotalo
Ronja Isotalo


+358 9 8770 7331

Kirsi Karra-Ylänne
Kirsi Karra-Ylänne


+358 9 8770 7326

Markus Kekäläinen
Markus Kekäläinen

Partner, KLT

+358 9 8770 7335

Aira Savanainen
Aira Savanainen

Controller, KLT, PHT

+358 9 8770 7332

Kotkankatu 8

Phone: +358 9 8770 7300

Office open on weekdays 8:30-16:00


We offer high-quality, individual financial management services to our customers. Our extensive customer base includes both domestic and foreign small businesses, medium-sized companies of various business forms, as well as associations and foundations.


Over 50 years of history and active participation in the institutions and boards of our industry have given our company an extensive network of partners, which we continuously utilize for the benefit of our customers.


We offer you individual and high-quality service. A significant part of our staff has completed the accountant (KLT) and/or payroll accountant (PHT) examination. We ensure expert service and the up-to-dateness of our know-how through regular training.


We organize our customers' financial management in a customized manner to meet the needs of each client and provide financial management services either in fully electronic form or, if the customer so wishes, in traditional paper form.


Each of our clients has a designated contact person. We have centralized payroll processing in a separate payroll team.

Tiliaktiiva – We offer high-quality financial management services to our customers.

Tiliaktiiva Oy – Porvoo
Sanna Tomminen
Sanna Tomminen


+358 9 8770 7338

Jouko Karttunen
Jouko Karttunen

Senior partner, audit advisor

+358 9 8770 7330

Markus Kekäläinen
Markus Kekäläinen

Partner, KLT

+358 9 8770 7335

Mervi Punnonen
Mervi Punnonen

Senior Accountant, KLT-accountant

+358 9 8770 7325

Petra Yliaska
Petra Yliaska


+358 9 8770 7329

Veera Rasela
Veera Rasela

PHT-Payroll accountant

+358 8770 7324

Mannerheiminkatu 1 C 1

06100 PORVOO

Phone: +358 9 8770 7300


Office open on weekdays 8:30-16:00

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"Rautainen ammattitaito. Kaikki hoituu moitteetta. Ei koskaan tarvitse miettiä etteikö hoituisi."

"Kirjanpidon ja palkanlaskennan tarkkuus ja huolen pitäminen siitä että asia tehdään oikein vaikka meidän päässä joskus tuppaa unohtumaan :)"

"Olen pieni asiakas, mutta olen aina saanut huomiota, kun olen sitä tarvinnut."


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